Several people have contributed suggestions, ideas, solutions, support and encouragement. Some of these are Roderick Williams, Ana Maria Paiva, Jamil Sawar and Andrew Cole here at the Computer Based Learning Unit.
The idea of splitting LaTeX files into more than one components linked with hyperlinks was first implemented in Perl by Toni Lantunen at CERN. Thanks to Robert Cailliau <[email protected]> of the WorldWide Web Project also at CERN for giving me access to the source code and documentation (although no part of the original design or the actual code has been used).
Robert S. Thau <[email protected]> has contributed the new version of texexpand. Also, in order to translate the document from hell (!!!) he has extended the translator to handle def commands, nested math-mode commands, and has fixed several bugs.
The pstogif script uses the postscript program originally written by Phillip Conrad (Perfect Byte, Inc.) and modified by L. Peter Deutsch (Aladdin Enterprises).
The idea of using existing symbolic labels to provide cross-references between documents was first conceived during discussions with Roderick Williams <[email protected]>. Eric Carroll <[email protected]> suggested providing a command like hyperref. Franz Vojik <[email protected]> provided the basic mechanism for handling foreign accents. The -auto_navigation option was based on an idea by Todd <[email protected]>. Axel Belinfante <[email protected]> provided the code in the makeidx.perl file as well as numerous suggestions and bug reports.
Verena Umar <[email protected]> (Computer Science Education Project) has been a very patient tester of some early versions of LaTeX2HTML and many of the current features are a result of her suggestions.
Thanks to (thanks to Ian Foster <[email protected]> and Bob Olson <[email protected]>) at the Argonne National Labs for setting up the LaTeX2HTML mailing list.
Special credit is due Marcus Hennecke <[email protected]>
for his many extensive revisions, Mark Noworolski
<[email protected]> for coordinating V 95.3,
Sidik Isani <[email protected]>, for his improvement
in GIF quality, and to Herb Swan <[email protected]> for
coordinating V 96.1 of LaTeX2HTML.
Many others, too many to mention, have contributed bug reports, fixes, and other suggestions. Keep them coming!